Showing 1–12 of 23 results
A Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic Medicines by S.R. Phatak
Original price was: ₹395.00.₹335.00Current price is: ₹335.00.Working largely from Bogers Synoptic Key, Phatak presents the most important symptoms in plain language so the student of materia medica will grasp a deeper understanding. Particularly useful is his format wherein the remedys affinity is stated at the outset. The relative importance of each remedy would then be fixed in the homeopaths mind by comparing it with other remedies under the same rubric.
Original price was: ₹445.00.₹378.00Current price is: ₹378.00.A reference to repertories is the first-ever complete treatise on the evolution and use of Homoeopathic Repertories and is useful for both undergraduates as well as post graduate students. It includes Evolution & Structure of 50+ repertories, Authentic & duly verified facts, Card & Clinical repertories (with illustrations), Chards for easy comparison, Short notes on important topics, Important questions for examinations, etc.
Boger Boenninghausen’s Characteristics & Repertory: by C.M. Boger
Original price was: ₹745.00.₹633.00Current price is: ₹633.00.One of the greatest pieces of homeopathic literature, incorporating the combined observations and logic of Boenninghausen and the wide and wise observations garnered by Dr. Boger from long years of study and practice. Very useful for working out cases rich in particulars. It introduced several newer features such as complete symptom, fever totality, clinical rubrics, separate concomitantsand pathological generals .
Essentials of Repertorization: fifth edition: A Comprehensive Textbook on Case Taking by Shashi Kant Tiwari & Repertorization: 4th Edition
Original price was: ₹425.00.₹361.00Current price is: ₹361.00.A comprehensive and complete text-book on the subject of repertorisation and case taking by Dr. Shashi Kant Tiwari. This is the second, revised and enlarged edition in which the author has included and described all the popular repertories with their uses, working and shortcomings.
Homeopathic Medical Repertory: third revised edition:by Robin MurphyHomeopathic Medical Repertory: third revised edition: by Robin Murphy
Original price was: ₹1,799.00.₹1,529.00Current price is: ₹1,529.00. -
Homoeopathic Medical Repertory By ROBIN MURPHY
Original price was: ₹1,799.00.₹1,529.00Current price is: ₹1,529.00.One of the best books to consult in modern homeopathic practice, this one has it all comprehensive and most updated. One of the most popular and frequently referred clinical repertory in modern day practice, it is a must have in any standard homeopathic library.
Original price was: ₹125.00.₹106.00Current price is: ₹106.00.This book begins with a journey through the life and works of Boenninghausen and Boger, taking the readers to the destination of final conception of this repertory and its effective and efficient usage for practice. The concept and plan of Boger Boenninghausens Charecterstics and Repertory is thoroughly discussed which is essential for proper utlilization of this valuable tool. An additional section mentions the experiences of the author illustrating case studies. This book also contains gems of clinical case examples and rich practical experiences by the author. An indispensable book for young and experienced homeopaths alike Salient features of individual chapters of Boenninghausens Repertory Lie and works of Boger and Boenninghausen well illustrated. For concepual understanding of BBCR with illustrated examples. About the Author: Farokh Jamshed Master Dr.Farokh Jamshed Master is the professor of medicine at C.M.P.H Medical College, Bombay University. He is the honorary physician at Bombay hospital and K.E.M Hospital (Bombay).Dr. Masters birth into homeopathy was in the year June 1976.In 1985, he first started teaching abroad, which he continues until today . In 1991, Dr. Master, joined MPK Homoeopathic medical college in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and completed his Doctor of Medicine in December 1994. He was the student with the highest graduation results and at the same time became the countries first M.D. Homeopath. At present, Dr Master is the first homeopath in the country to be selected by Mumbai University (Medical University of Maharashtra, Nasik) to do his Ph.D in the subject of “Cancer and Homeopathy” Dr Master was instrumental in starting homeopathic out-patient dept in many allopathic hospitals viz. Bombay Hospital, KEM Hospital and Ruby Hall, Pune. Also in private and government sectors Dr Master was the first person to introduce homeopathy for the benefit of the patients.
Original price was: ₹265.00.₹225.00Current price is: ₹225.00.To enable the reader a brief discussion follows 25 cases of actual repertorization. These are followed by 25 cases for practice followed by another 25 cases where only symptoms are given. It helps finding the simillimum necessarily involves comparison of the case with remedies and of remedies between them and of weighing one remedy against another in its application to the individual case.
How To Use The Repertory
Original price was: ₹99.00.₹84.00Current price is: ₹84.00.With introduction of the book given by JT Kent and authored by Glen. I. Bidwell, who was the Member of American Institute of Homoeopathy; New York State Homoeopathic Society; The Society of Homoeopathicians; Monroe County Homoeopathic Society, this work deals with the instructions and ways to master repertory by telling how repertory is our chief instrument of precision. We have to understand that the need of repertory was to narrow down the cumbersome symptoms into rubrics and also to search the medicines in an easier way. This work is to help the members of our school who are desirous of mastering and using the repertory. It should be used as an index to lighten the task of memory in storing the vast symptomatology of our remedies.
But one should be careful that repertory has led us to the remedy which we believe covers our symptom picture; the selection of this remedy should be confirmed by reading its pathogenesis as given in one of our complete materia medicas. This not only acts as proof of the results obtained in the solving of our problems, but also acts as a check on hurried careless work and at the same time continually increases our knowledge of materia medica.
This book shows how to praise a repertory, its arrangement and how to use it wisely.
The general plan of the repertory work laid down here will help the readers master the arrangement of your favorite work – Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book along with the other repertories.
The author discusses Allen’s Slip Repertory where care must be taken not to give too high a standing to the nosodes and where the final results will be apt to point to Psorinum or Tuberculinum.
The book is divided into 2 parts-
– First part deals with HOW TO USE THE REPERTORY where most consideration is given to case taking, discussion about miasms, grading of drug symptoms, the selection of the remedy, the administration of the remedy, how to use the repertory, three directions of cure, the three miasms, repertory analysis, dosage and repetition, cases illustrating repertory work form of case record.
Index to arrangement of Kent’s repertory
The Repertory is divided into thirty-seven sections. The two most important sections are found first in the book Mind and the Generalities which are last.
Many of our chronic cases may be worked out from these two sections, from the mentals and the physical general, as when these are found to be covered by one remedy the particulars which have been observed, and many of the common symptoms will be found to fit in perfectly.
– Second part deals with the practical analysis of forty Homeopathic remedies, here forty Homoeopathic Remedies are analyzed using twenty-two rubrics. This tells us to study the medicines in a particular way which we can carry in our minds easily.
Constantine Hering said: “If our school ever gives up the strict inductive method of Hahnemann we are lost and deserve only to be mentioned as a caricature in the history of medicine.”
Logic Of Repertories
Original price was: ₹295.00.₹250.00Current price is: ₹250.00.It sheds light on the importance of repertories in the life of a students and practitioners
• The book covers various topics essential to deal with the proper understanding of repertories and to find a suitable rubric for the case.
• Several case illustrations have also been given for better understanding
The book is divided into 2 parts-
1st part lays down all the general information on symptomatology starting from the totality of symptoms prescribing symptoms, mental symptoms, general and particular symptoms, common and uncommon symptoms, concomitant symptoms, eliminating symptoms, record keeping and usefulness of record keeping and many other different topics.
2nd part starts the discussion on the repertories such as the meaning of repertory, history of repertory, advantages of repertories, types of repertories, discussion of repertories by stalwarts of BBCR, Kent’s Repertory, Synthetic repertory, card repertory, different philosophies, different methods of repertorisation, working out of a case, limitations of repertory and other topics as well.
In preparing this book the aim has been to satisfy the needs of the students, teachers and examiners of the Homeopathic Medical Colleges and the practitioners as well. When you have prescribed one, two, three remedies, especially in acute cases, but of course also in chronic cases, without results, the author begs to stops continuing it. This is the moment to give placebo, which the prescriber should have done at the beginning to good effect. Applying this rule is much more difficult than just ‘doing something’ by giving a badly chosen remedy of which you are not sure and which does not correspond to the essential symptoms of the case, either because the remedy is not known, or because the patient’s essential symptoms are not known. It is advised to patiently await the development of symptoms.
The book points out the message of Dr J.T. Kent rightly where he states, ‘Every time you study a case to find the constitutional remedy, don’t simply limit yourself to finding the simillimum (the remedy with the most qualitative and quantitative similarity), but like William Tell, who was commanded to shoot an arrow into an apple resting on his son’s head, and selected two arrows instead of one (the second for the man who had given him the order, if he missed the mark and hit his son), always have a second remedy up your sleeve, a remedy as much as possible similar to the first; in this way you will not be at a loss of your second prescription.’
Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind: 1 Paperback by Dr. Farokh Jamshed Master
Original price was: ₹349.00.₹296.00Current price is: ₹296.00.The book brings together a large array of mental rubrics collected from standard references like the Kent’s, Boenninghausen’s, Synthetic andVithoulkas repertories. Useful cross references and meanings with list of remedies have also been included to impart maximum information to students.
Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory: 1 Hardcover by Garth W. Boericke
Original price was: ₹599.00.₹509.00Current price is: ₹509.00.This book contains the known verified characteristic symptoms of all our medicines besides other less important symptoms aiding the selection of the curative remedy. All the new medicines and essentials of the published clinical experience of the school have been added. In its present compact form it contains the maximum number of reliable materia medica facts in the minimum space.