Showing 13–24 of 62 results

  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 20 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 20 – 20ml drops:

    Key Ingredients:

    Ailanthus glandulosa, Euphrasia officinalis, Gratiola officinalis, Juglans regia, Okoubaka aubrevillei, Sarsaparilla, Taraxacum officinale, Comocladia dentate.

    Key Benefits:

    • Useful in dealing with skin problems such as dry eczema, psoriasis, and glandular swellings
    • Helps to control eruption of pimples
    • Treats and prevents eruptions of pimples on the face
    • Helpful in treating skin issues like dry eczema, psoriasis and glandular swellings.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 21 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Key Ingredients:

    Acidum sulfuricum, Conium, Staphysagria, Cantharis, Selenium, Nasturtium aquaticum, Ononis spinosa.

    Key Benefits:

    • Promotes normal prostate maintenance and function
    • Aids in combating symptoms of an enlarged or inflamed prostate
    • Helps to prevent hair loss and balances hormone levels
    • Helps to shrink the inner lining of the prostate which may then relieve pressure on tubes that carry urine.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 22 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 22 – 20ml drops:

    Key Ingredients:

    Acidum benzoicum, Acidum nitricum, Apis mellifica, Berberis vulgaris, Colchicum autumnale, Coccus cacti, Solidago virgaurea, Capsella bursa-pastoris.

    Key Benefits:

    • Helps in reducing the symptoms associated with the urinary tract infection
    • Improves the immune system and prevents recurring infection in the urinary tract
    • Helps detoxify and recondition the intestinal tract
    • It helps in the treatment of urinary calculi.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 23 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 23 – 20ml drops:

    Key Ingredients:

    Capsicum annuum, Cinnabaris, Echinacea ang, Kreosotum, Luffa operculata, Plantago major, Sanicula europaea, Thuja occid.

    Key Benefits:

    • Provides relief from pain and breathing difficulties
    • Relieves infection and local irritation caused due to cold
    • Prevents worsening of respiratory tract infections
    • Helps in thinning the mucus and clearing out blocked nose.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 24 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 24 – 20ml drops:

    Key Ingredients:

    Ailanthus glandulosa, Belladona, Barium carbonicum, Echinacea, Lachesis, Phytolacca americana, Teucrium scorodonia, Clematis recta.

    Key Benefits:

    • Helpful in the treatment of hoarse and loss of voice
    • Provides relief from the dryness of the throat, cough and cold, swallowing, dry suffocative cough, sneezing
    • Effective for sore throat in the early stages and red, hot and swollen throat
    • Aids swallowing difficulty, laryngeal inflammation, pharyngitis.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 25 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Key Ingredients:

    Argentum nitricum, Coffea, Staphysagria, Eschscholtzia calif, Lactuca virosa, Aurum chloratum natr, Zincum valerianicum, Avena sativa.

    Key Benefits:

    • Helpful in the treatment of insomnia
    • Allows a person to get REM sleep, preventing difficulty staying asleep
    • It may help achieve restful sleep at night
    • Helps in making a person feel relaxed and recharged for the day ahead.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 26 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Key Ingredients:

    Acidum phosphoricum, Galipea officinalis, Asa foetida, Bellis perennis, Bryonia cretica, Equisetum arvense, Galipea officinalis, Guajacum, Ruta graveolens.

    Key Benefits:

    • It supports the production of cartilage
    • It is useful in reducing the stiffness of joints
    • It is used in the treatment of Osteoarthritis
    • It particularly treats arthritis in the knee and hip.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 27 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS :  For treatment of acute and chronic inflammation, sports injuries, sprains, bruises, muscle strains and sciatica.ADEL 27 (INFLAMYAR) drops treats rheumatic, arthritic and inflammatory conditions topically to greatly ease pain and bring quick relief to afflicted patients – all without the side-effects of chemical drugs.
    • Other conditions effectively treated by ADEL 27 drops include myalgia, contusion, haematoma, torticollis, tendovaginitis, epicondylitis, myogelosis, meniscopathia, neuralgia, lumbago, hip pain (sciatica), bursitis and intercostal neuralgia.
    • In addition to treating chronic conditions effectively, ADEL 27 drops is invaluable for healing traumatic sport injuries, such as sprains, bruises and ligament strain.

    INGREDIENTS : Arnica Montana 4X, Bellis perennis 4X, Bryonia cretica 4X, Guajacum 6X, Ledum palustre 12X, Rhus toxicodendron 8X, Ruta graveolens 4X, Viscum album 4X.

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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 28 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    INDICATIONS : For increased fat values in blood high cholesterol promotion of proper fat metabolism helps with weight loss programmes.
    Blood tests reveal that many patients have a significant anomaly in their cholesterol-lipid metabolism.

    These aberrations are the physiological prerequisite for degenerative development in the entire body, leading to illnesses such as arteriosclerosis, concrement burden, rheumatic-inflammatory- degenerative processes, diabetes, precancerous conditions and cancer if intestinal dysfunction is not restored to normal.

    Reversing this degeneration depends to a great extent upon a patient’s energy, environment, genetic disposition, attitude and lifestyle. In addition, ADEL 28 (PLEVENT) drops can help return a patient to health by promoting proper fat metabolism and stimulating renal excretion to remove harmful metabolic waste products.

    INGREDIENTS : Equisetum arvense 6X, Cynara scolymus 6X, Leonurus cardiac 6X, Peumus boldus (Boldo) 6X, Solidago virgaurea 6X, Taraxacum officinale 4X.

    Key Benefits:

    • Its silica content addresses disrupted regulation processes throughout the body that can manifest themselves in the digestive organs, such as diarrhoea, constipation and other intestinal tract irregularities
    • This substance also lowers the blood fat, normalises a diabetic metabolism and works as a diuretic to further unburden the body
    • It calms the heart and helps regulate cardiac function also eliminates functional anomalies by improving digestion
    • It also stimulates diuresis to promote excretion via the urine, which helps reduce the burden on the blood
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 29 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    INDICATIONS :  For acute and chronic urinary tract infections, like cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, cystopyilitis and cystopyelonephritis.

    ADEL 29 (AKUTUR) drops provide a fast, powerful therapy for acute and chronic urological infections, including cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, cystopyelitis, cystopyelonephritis and neuralgia vesicae.

    As a biological alternative to antibiotics, this remedy usually eliminates even the toughest urinary tract infections within a few days, especially those prevalent in young girls or women.

    ADEL 29 (AKUTUR) drops can also be prescribed for pain that accompanies infections of the urological tract, including kidney discomfort.

    INGREDIENTS :  Acidum benzoicum 10X, Acidum nitricum 6X, Clematis recta 8X, Eqisetum arvense6X, Populus tremuloides 6X, Pulsatilla pratensis 12X, Zingiber officinale 6X, Solidago virgaurea 6X.
    Acidum benzoicum eliminates kidney irritation, incontinence and bladder/urinary tract infections, while also lowering uric acid levels.

    Key Benefits:

    • It eliminates kidney irritation, incontinence and bladder/urinary tract infections, while also lowering uric acid levels
    • It also treats nephritis and pyelonephritis indicated by a burning sensation during urination and foul-smelling urine that may contain blood
    • It helps eliminate symptoms of bladder inflammation, including pus in the urine and painful urination
    • It stimulates systemic excretion of toxins from infections by improving the function of the liver, stomach, intestines and gallbladder


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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 3 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • Adel 3 – 20ml drops:
    • INDICATIONS :  For jaundice, general liver diseases and gallbladder problems and portal congestions.As the largest gland in the body, the liver serves as a processing factory of unmatched importance.
    • It plays a key role in eliminating toxins and metabolic waste products from the blood ADEL 3 (apo-HEPAT) drops treat and detoxify the liver,
    • gallbladder and pancreas, which work together to promote good digestion.
    • This remedy provides a vital stimulus that aids in the excretion of liver toxins,

    INGREDIENTS : Chioanthus virginica 4X, Cynara scolymus 4X, Iberis amara 6X, Lycopodium clavatum 4X, Mandragora e rad sicc 6X, Peumus boldus 4X, Phosphorus 10X, Taraxacum officinale 12X.

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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 31 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS : For painful, irregular, premature/late, heavy/scanty periods, breast swelling and mood swings.Sensations of dysmenorrhea appear in many women without any recognizable cause (primary dysmenorrhea), while organic or functionally caused forms also exist.
    • ADEL 31 (UPELVA) drops provide a gentle therapy for painful menstruation, breast swelling, danger of prolapse, leucorrhea and other symptoms.

    INGREDIENTS : Cyclamen europaeum 6X, Datura stramonium 12X, Delphinium staphysagria 6X, Chamaelirium luteum 6X, Hypericum perforatum 6X, Kalium carbonicum 6X, Xanthoxylum fraxineum 6X, Viburnum opulus 6X.

    Key Benefits:

    • It addresses irregular menstruation due to ovarian dysfunction that primarily arises during the development years
    • It also supports relief in strong menstruation accompanied by dark and clumpy discharge and mood swings
    • It is also indicated for uterine pain and weakened ligaments of the uterus with the danger of prolapse and treats symptoms of breast pain and pelvic inflammation
    • It reduces inflammatory conditions in the female sexual organs as well as irregular menstruation that is strong or foul smelling
    • It helps regulate influences on the digestive organs, and addresses nausea and intestinal performance anomalies that frequently accompany this condition
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