Showing 25–36 of 62 results

  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 32 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS : Inflammation of whole organism, all mucous membranes, formation of ulcers all over the body and rheumatic inflammations.As a rule, acute or chronic illnesses develop from toxins produced by either clinically-manifested or latent infections, including undiagnosed sinus and dental conditions that cause no obvious symptoms.
    • These infections must be eliminated to restore the body’s mucosa to proper working order. Moreover, treatment of these infections prevents organs from being continuously overwhelmed by toxins and helps restore proper functioning.ADEL 32 (OPSONAT) drops promote healing of focal infections in various organs and stimulate, regulate and clean the blood.
    • This medication also enhances the immune system’s ability to eliminate pathogens, including those found in therapy-resistant mycotic infections.
    • Once the terrain is cleared of toxic wastes, ADEL 32 drops stimulate the body’s own systemic regulation, making true healing possible.

    INGREDIENTS :  Acidum nitricum 6X, Acidum sulfuricum 6X, Gratiola officinalis 6X, Hydrastis Canadensis 6X, Lachesis muta 6X, Bellis perennis 6X, Glechoma hederacea 6X, Sempervivum tectorum 6X.

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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 33 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS :  For different forms of oedema including cardiac, hepatic, kidney, lymphatic and, subcutaneous cell tissue that cause swollen ankles and bloating.ADEL 33 (apo-OEDEM) drops are effective for treatment of different forms of edemas, including cardial, hepatic, renal, lymphatic and subcutaneous cell tissue.
    • Conditions that can trigger or accompany the development of edemas include inflammation, deposits, disruptions in circulation and circulatory weakness through coronary insufficiency and reduction in kidney function.
    • ADEL 33 (apo-OEDEM) drops also help relieve swollen ankles due to water retention, abdominal bloating and venous stasis.

    INGREDIENTS :  Aesculus hippocastanum 8X, Apocynum cannabinum 8X, Convallaria majalis 8X, Helleborus niger 8X, Sambucus nigra 6X, Filipendula ulmaria 6X, Stigmata maydis 8X, Thuja occidentalis 12X.

    Key Benefits:

    • It stimulates the kidneys and helps eliminate circulatory problems that can lead to swelling in the hands and feet
    • It helps in effectively strengthening the heart muscle against damage that could lead to hepatogenic and renal edemas
    • It addresses nervous heart conditions caused by infectious-toxic disruptions in the heart muscle, and helps strengthen the heart to prevent enlargement
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 34 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS :  To improve the spleen efficiency and its detoxification.ADEL 34 (AILGENO) drops specifically stimulate and detoxify the spleen to eliminate focal infections and old deposits of toxins.
    • This unique medication also helps treat anemia, gastritis, diabetes, eczema, herpes, chronic infections, chronic weakness and cachexia.
    • It stimulates the entire metabolism. The few homeopathic combined in ADEL 34 treats spleen dysfunction and intoxification, although this organ plays a vital role in immune system response.
    • In fact, some chronic diseases can be extremely difficult to heal unless the spleen is also treated.


    INGREDIENTS :  Agaricus muscarius 10X, Arsenicum album 12X, Silybum marianum 15X, Ceanothus americana 10X, Cinchona succirubra 6X, Glechoma hederacea 6X, Grindelia robusta 6X, Natrium muriaticum 12X.

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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 36 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS :  For Premature old age in young persons, failing erection when attempting coition, feeble erection, premature emissions, emission at night, involuntary emissions during stools or while urinating, emissions without erections, consequences of self-abuse (masturbation).Sexual awakening in adolescents is fraught with many critical situations.
    • New sensations relating to sexual organs unknown in childhood may prompt the individual to indulge in improper sexual practices, which may squander one`s reserves of nervous energy leading to undersireable consequences in sexual sphere.
    • ADEL 36 (POLLON) drops intervenes to counteract all the bad effects created by sexual aberrations in a most effective manner.

    INGREDIENTS :  Acidum phosphoricum 6X, Caladium seguinum 6X, Conium 6X, Nuphar lutea 6X, Pausinystalia 12X, Piper methysticum 8X, Staphysagria 6X.

    Key Benefits:

    • It is applied for impaired potency accompanied by insufficient erection and sexual overexcitability
    • It is controlled by nervous exhaustion, which reduces nightly emissions and controls conditions leading to premature ejaculation
    • It stimulates the blood circulation in the groin and lowers the blood pressure
    • It changes bad moods resulting from psychic situations and physical weakness and removes all irritations
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 38 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    INDICATIONS :  For treatment of twitching, convulsions cramps is all body part, stiffness and paralysis states.

    INGREDIENTS :  Ammi visnaga 12X, Atropa belladonna 12X, Cuprum aceticum 6X, Hyoscyamus niger 10X, Nicotiana tabacum 10X, Potentilla anserine 6X, Secale cornutum 12X, Strychnos ignatii 12X.

    Key benifits:Key Benefits:

    • It is a reliable remedy for angina pectoris, neurocirculatory dystonic states, hypertonia, colon cramps and spastic situations and is produced by urinary stones
    • It is a well-known remedy against convulsions, cramps of all muscles of the body, special groups of muscles, calf cramps, colics and collapses
    • It regulates excitements of the brain compounded with sleeplessness, colic states in the abdomen and other spasms, in a reliable manner


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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 39 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 39 – 20ml drops:

    INDICATIONS : For treatment of Sciatica, low back pain, pain in the legs/arms and treatment of soft tissue rheumatism.

    INGREDIENTS : Arnica Montana 6X, Bryonia cretica 6X, Colchicum autumnale 4X, Gnaphalium obtusifolium 4X, Guajacum 6X, Lachnanthes tinctoria 4X, Solanum dulcamara 4X,Taraxacum officinalis 4X, Rhus toxicodendron 8X.

    • Regulates the metabolism of the liver and the eliminating power of the kidneys
    • Acts against drawing and tearing pains in the muscles within irritating pains
    • Helps in balancing the blood pressure and categorising inflamed regions and stagnations
    • Key benifits:
    • Supports in relieving neuralgia and muscle rheumatism
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 4 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Key Ingredients:

    Arnica Montana 6x, Bryonia Creatica 6x, Colchicum Autumnale 4x, Gnaphalium Obtusifolium 4x, Guaiacum 6x, Lachnanthes Tinctoria 4x, Solanum Dulcamara 4x, Taraxacum Officinale 4x.

    Key Benefits:

    • It helps in proper circulation 
    • It helps with exhaustion and weakness
    • It might treat inflammatory digestion of stomach and intestinal disturbances 
    • It helps with stabbing rheumatic pain 
    • It might treat sciatica pain 
    • It treats the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis 
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 40 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    INDICATIONS :  All forms of warts, juvenile and vulgar.

    INGREDIENTS :  Acidum nitricum 8X,Acidum silicium 12X, Causticum Hahnemanni 4X, Delphinium staphisgria 6X, Ruta graveolens 4X, Solanum dulcamara 4X,Stibium sulfuratum nigrum (Antimon crudum) 6X,Thuja occidentalis 12X

    .Key Benefits:

    • It is indicated again for chronic infections and insufficient gastrointestinal functions, which lead to the development of poorly healing sore processes, all types of festering inflammations of the skin, scaring, but also wart growth
    • It stands in relation to manifest metabolic disorders within the entire organism, whereby even these can trigger pronounced skin symptoms
    • It combats damage caused by the gastrointestinal tract, which expresses itself as stomach aches due to irregular intestinal activity and aggravation
    • It is indicated for use on the skin against itching and blistering eruptions along with warts on the hands
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 43 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS :  For cardiac insufficiency, angina pectorics, irregular heart beats, arteriosclerosis and cardiac spasms.ADEL 43 (CARDINORMA) drops treat cardiac insufficiency, heart muscle weakness, apoplexy, angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, extrasystole, tachycardia, cardiac spasms, and increase O2 utilization.
    • This medication also helps the body treat the underlying cause of heart and circulatory problems without the side effects of allopathic drugs, such as Beta blockers and blood thinning medications, that merely address symptoms.Heart and circulatory problems such as high blood pressure indicate a pathogenic, systemic condition that the body cannot treat successfully by itself.

    INGREDIENTS :  Arnica Montana 4X, Carbo vegetabilis 12X, Kalium carbonicum 6X, Lachesis muta 12X, Nerium oleander 6X, Nicotiana tabacum 6X, Peumus boldus 12X, Crataegus 6X.

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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 44 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 44 – 20ml drops:

    INDICATIONS : For venous stasis, varicose veins and other varicose problems.

    ADEL 44 (VENORBIS) drops are very useful homoeopathic complex which treats the diseases of Varicose veins successfully.

    INGREDIENTS :  Aesculus hippocastanum 6X, Clematis recta 8X, Collinsonia canadensis 6X, Cuprum aceticum 12X, Lachesis mutus 12X, Melilotus officinalis 12X, Nicotiana tabacum 10X, Sulfur 12X

    .Key Benefits:

    • It acts against inflammations and swellings, various ulcers and inflammations of the mammas and removes pains and congestions
    • It removes the result of a restricted blood flow, smoothes down heart attacks and effortless kinds of oedema
    • Cuprum has an important influence on the hematopoiesis and procreation of enzymes, it is a very useful ingredient of the complex
    • It acts against septic blood positions in the venous vessels and saves the body of the ladies from developing uterus cancer, states of weakness, inflammation sensations in the whole body, restricting feelings of the heart and disturbances in the heart regulation
    • Sulphur in it is a known treatment against waste products in the organism and removes toxic materials from the body
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 48 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS : For swelling of the lymph nodes, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis, mumps, tumors and as a supportive treatment of cancer.ADEL 48 (ITIRES) drops stimulate and detoxify the entire lymphatic system a vital part of the immune response to help speed excretion of toxins during acute and chronic illnesses.
      It is important to point out that the lymphatic vessels in the intestines (the largest excretion organ for waste products and toxins in the body must also be stimulated to avoid a reintoxification via the intestinal walls.
    • Any continuous blockage of the lymphatic system and intoxification of the organs can lead via various stages to exhaustion of the effected cells.
    • To reverse pathogenic processes, homeopathic therapy attempts to activate exhausted immune defenses and aid the body in excreting the toxic load as quickly as possible.
    • As a result, ADEL 48 drops should be included in every cancer therapy because lymphatic system blockages can eventually lead to connective tissue intoxification.

    INGREDIENTS : Barium carbonicum 8X, Calcium jodatum 8X, Cistus canadensis 6X, Conium maculatum 6X, Echinacea 6X, Galium aparine 6X, Juglans regia 8X, Scrophularia nodosa 6X.

    Key Benefits:

    • It is important to point out that the lymphatic vessels in the intestines for waste products and toxins in the body must also be stimulated to avoid a reintoxification via the intestinal walls
    • It is useful for swollen, hardened lymph nodes, often found on the sides of the neck in children
    • It also resolves to hardening of the cervical and mesenteric lymph nodes, and prevents the development of new swollen lymph nodes
    • It is also helpful in treating congestive headaches that correlate with intestinal dysfunction
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 49 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • Adel 49 – 20ml drops:
    • Adel 49 Apo Enerit Drop drops are homeopathic medicine to treat symptoms of stomach infection through a proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs (available in drops).
    • It has key Ingredients like artenisia abrotanum, citrullus colocynthis etc that act on diarrhea, inflammation of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis), and food poisoning and abdominal cramps.

    It is also indicated to address nausea, chronic form of inflammation of the lining of the colon (colitis) like chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines (Crohn s disease) and the irritable bowel syndrome.

    Benefits of the ingredients  :

    Cynara scolymus it promotes and supports digestion, diuresis (increased or excessive production of urine) and lowers the blood sugar.
    Podophyllum treats symptoms of stomach infection such as manifestations of the acute entritis (inflammation of the intestine) and gastroentritis. It addresses burning sensation in tongue, venous stasis (forming blood clots in veins).
    Potentilla anserina it enhances the process of solidification of the loosened mucosal tissues.
    Veratrum album treats gastro intestinal diseases. It stabilizes circulatory system.
    Okoubaka aubrevillei treats flu, inflammation of the walls of a vein (phlebitis), toxoplasmosis (disease caused by toxoplasma) etc.

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