Showing 49–60 of 62 results

  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 69 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • Adel 69 – 20ml drops:
    • INDICATIONS :  For circulatory disturbances causing vertigo, tingling, cramps and gangrenous processesCirculatory disturbances can cause a wide variety of symptoms that range from numbness, cramps and tingling sensations to gangrenous processes.
    • ADEL 69 (CLAUPAREST) drops help eliminate these underlying circulatory disruptions, whether caused by injuries, metabolic anomalies or cramps triggered by psychological or somatic reasons.
    • As a result, this medication allows the body to restore its self-regulation capabilities and function properly again.INGREDIENTS :  Arnica Montana 6X, Cuprum aceticum 8X, Carbo vegetabilis 8X, Mandragora e radice siccato12X,Melilotus officinalis 6X, Nicotiana tabacum 12X, Ruta graveolens 6X, Secale
      cornutum 12X.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 7 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • Adel 7 – 20ml drops:
    • INDICATIONS : All types of cough, cough due to cold, whooping cough, cough due to smoking and flu.ADEL 7 (apo-TUSS) drops work as a natural antimicrobial for treatment of coughs, laryngitis, hoarseness and bronchial infections.
    • It is also effective for eliminating bronchial mucus, stabbing chest pains, fever and dry, hard coughs that frequently accompany acute illnesses.
    • This remedy also serves as an excellent adjuvant therapy for resolving whooping cough and asthma.

    INGREDIENTS :  Armoracia rusticana 8X, Arum maculatum 4X, Bryonia 6X, Coccus cacti 4X, Cuprum aceticum 8X, Gelsemium 6X, Hedera helix 4X, Lactuca virosa 12X.

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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 73 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS : For treatment of yeast, fungal and bacterial infections by promoting a healthy acid-base balance.ADEL 73 (MUCAN) drops heal mycotic infections caused by Candida, Mucor racemosus and Aspergillus niger.
    • This medication is extremely effective as it helps change the body’s systemic terrain the most important step in combating fungal infections.
      Once the body’s natural internal terrain has been severely altered by toxins or drugs creating a highly acidic tissue pH and overly alkaline blood pH-ideal conditions exist for mycotic infections to proliferate.
    • The microbes also multiply and thrive through improper nutrition, stressful lifestyles and latent infections caused by the remains of their protein membranes that the immune system fails to eliminate.
    • These microbes steal the nutrients required for proper metabolism and poison the system, and may play an insidious role in the creation of many difficult-to-diagnose diseases, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and some forms of cancer.

    INGREDIENTS :  Agaricus Muscarius, Allium sativum 6X, Aristolochia clematis 12X, Simarouba cedron 6X, Hydrastis canadensis 12X, Okoubaka aubrevillei 6X, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria 8X.

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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 75 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS :  For Powerful Treatment of Inflammation, Arthritis, Muscle Pain, Bursitis, Sprains, Bruises and Sports InjuriesIn conjunction with internal systemic therapy using homeopathic medications, ADEL 75 (INFLAMYAR) ointment treats rheumatic, arthritic and inflammatory conditions topically to greatly ease pain and bring quick relief to afflicted patients – all without the side-effects of chemical drugs.
    • Other conditions effectively treated by ADEL 75 (INFLAMYAR) ointment include myalgia, contusion, haematoma, torticollis, tendovaginitis, epicondylitis, myogelosis, meniscopathia, neuralgia, lumbago, hip pain (sciatica), bursitis and intercostal neuralgia.In addition to treating chronic conditions effectively, ADEL 75 (INFLAMYAR) ointment is invaluable for healing traumatic sport injuries, such as sprains, bruises and ligament strain.
    • Although the ointment is normally rubbed on to the affected area, it may be advantageous at times to generously apply it to a bandage or gauze to maximize efficacy.INGREDIENTS :  Arnica Montana 12X, Bellis perennis 8X, Bryonia cretica 4X, Guajacum officinale 4X, Ledum palustre 4X, Rhus toxicodendron 12X, Ruta graveolens 6X, Viscum album 4X.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 78 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.
    • INDICATIONS :  For general skin diseases, psorioses, eczema, neurodermatitis, pimples (acne vulgaris), rash at puberty, boils, herps, insect bite, including intertrigo and urticaria.ADEL 78 (DERCUT) ointment is treat acne, psoriasis, eczema, hives, oozing rashes, herpes zoster, itching dermatitis, impetigo, insect bites, carbuncles and furuncles.
    • Some skin disorders can result from an internal intoxification that overwhelms the body’s excretion abilities.
    • For example, pubescent acne is partially caused by the body’s inability to metabolize and eliminate toxins via the intestines and urological tract.
    • In addition, leakygut syndrome results from an intestinal tract insufficiency that enables undigested food particles or bacteria to enter the bloodstream, causing systemic intoxification that burdens the liver, kidneys, skin and other excretory organs.
    • Combining ADEL 78 ointment and drops with other ADEL medications that include ADEL 3 (apo-HEPAT) drops liver function, ADEL 87 (apo-INFEKT) drops bacterial and viral infections and ADEL 48 (ITIRES) drops lymphatic inflammation can successfully treat these conditions.INGREDIENTS :  Bellis perennis 8X, Euphorbia resinifera 4X, Hydrastis Canadensis 3X, Kreosotum 6X, Rhus toxicodendron 8X, Sempervivum tectorum 3X, Vinca minor 3X, Viola tricolor 2X.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 79 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Key Ingredients :

    Arsenicum album, Ceanothus americanus, Cinchona succirubra, Cobaltum nitricum, Cuprum sulfuricum, Ferrum metallicum, Manganum aceticum, Natrium muriaticum

    Key Benefits :

    • Helps to aid menstrual disorders which are associated with iron deficiency
    • It is an iron supplement used to help iron deficiency, general weakness, menstrual disorders, anaemia and improper nutrition
    • Iron transports oxygen throughout the body and maintains red blood cells
    • Helpful in making an individual feel energetic and preventing anaemia.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 8 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 8 – 20ml drops:

    Key Ingredients:

    Anamirta cocculus, Aurum chloratum natr, Barium carbonicum, Iberis amara, Magnesium chloratum, Ferula moschata, Melilotus officinalis, Viscum album

    Key Benefits:

    • Helpful with the fluttering of heart with anxiety
    • Helps during fatigue, irritability, restlessness and anxiousness
    • It may improve circulation and nutrition in the heart
    • It might be a better alternative to long-term drug therapy
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 82 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Key Ingredients:

    Boldo, Bryonia, Carduus mar, Cynara MT, Fumaria, Hydrasti, Taraxacum MT, Chelidonium

    Key Benefits:

    • Helps to cleanse the body by breaking down the waste products, enabling detoxification
    • Helps relieve digestive symptoms such as flatulence, abdominal bloating and cramping
    • Helps combat potential free radical damage
    • Helps to clear out harmful toxins generated by an unhealthy diet
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 83 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Key Ingredients:

    Bryonia cretica, Dactylopius coccus, Grindelia robusta, Guajacum, Kalium stibyltartaricum, Oenanthe aquatica, Phosphorus, Usnea barbata

    Key Benefits:

    • It relieves allergy symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion or stuffiness
    • It is a highly efficacious remedy for acute catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract
    • It acts on dry cough aggravated by inspiring cold air, which causes stringy and tough expectoration
    • It also thins mucus in the nose, windpipe, and lungs, making it easier to cough out
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 85 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 85 – 20ml drops:

    Key Ingredients:

    Argentum nitricum, Avena sativa, Cinchona pubescens,  Conium maculatum, Delphinium staphysagria, Panax ginseng, Stychnos nux vomica, Piper methysticum.

    Key Benefits:

    • It aids in the reduction of mental and physical weariness while also increasing stamina throughout the day
    • Helps to relieve muscle weakness and reduce the lack of nerve power
    • It aids in the reduction of mental and physical weariness while also increasing stamina throughout the day
    • It might help in relieving urological problems like incontinence, urethral bleeding, and yellow coloured urine.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 85 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Key Ingredients:

    Argentum nitricum, Cinchona pubescens, Conium maculatum, Delphinium staphysagria, Piper methysticum, Stychnos nux vomica, Avena sativa, Panax ginseng.

    Key Benefits:

    • Helps reduce mental and physical exhaustion and boosts stamina throughout the day
    • Helps to relieve muscle weakness and reduce the lack of nerve power
    • Helpful in lowering stress, anxiety, tension, and depression, and acts as a tonic to elevate your mood
    • It might help in relieving urological problems like incontinence, urethral bleeding, and yellow coloured urine.
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  • In Stock-6% Off

    Adel 86 – 20ml drops

    Original price was: ₹270.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

    Adel 86 – 20ml drops

    Key Ingredients:

    Angallis arvensis, Ruta graveolens, Smilax, Sempervivum tectorum, Semecarpus anacardium, Thuja occidentalis.

    Key Benefits:

    • It is helpful with viral warts; a small, fleshy bump on the skin or mucous membrane caused by human papillomavirus
    • Helps in aiding and preventing juvenile acne caused by inflammation of the hair follicles
    • Helps in fighting skin disorders like eczema, rash and seborrheic dermatitis
    • It is useful in chronic conditions and prevents health conditions.
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